Fair Housing |
PRRAC’s fair housing work encompasses implementation of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing mandate, as well as research and advocacy to expand opportunity in federal housing programs at HUD, the Treasury Department, and state housing finance agencies. We also provide technical assistance to local housing agencies and advocates on AFFH, housing mobility, and local reform of the Housing Choice Voucher program. |
The Housing Choice Voucher program (formerly known as “Section 8”) is HUD’s largest low income housing program, providing rental assistance to families seeking housing in the private market. Since its inception in the mid-1970s, the program has fallen short of its potential to provide real housing choice to families outside of higher poverty neighborhoods. But in recent years, Congress and HUD have taken steps to expand families’ access to well-resourced neighborhoods – including the important “Small Area Fair Market Rent” option, which adjusts rent caps based on local submarket conditions at the zip code level, and, recently, $75 million in funding for new housing mobility programs across the country. Along with our partners in the civil rights community, we have consistently urged HUD to expand housing mobility in federal programs and to remove impediments to mobility in the Housing Choice Voucher Program (“Section 8”). Our work is motivated by the insight that the housing voucher program if administered well, is the most direct and promising means of delivering desegregated housing opportunities to low-income families of color. In 2016, PRRAC helped to organize Mobility Works, a technical assistance collaborative working with PHAs across the country.
Key documents
- Housing Choice Voucher Reform: A Primer for 2021 and Beyond (August 2020)
- Housing Mobility Programs in the U.S. 2022 (December 2022)
PRRAC Publications
- PRRAC comments on proposed methodology for calculation of Fair Market Rents (July 2023)
- Supporting Neighborhood Opportunity in Massachusetts: A study of housing mobility program outcomes — Executive Summary and Report (June 30, 2023)
- RAD Choice-Mobility Guidebook: Effective Implementation of Residents’ Choice-Mobility Rights in RAD Conversions: A Best Practices
Guide for PHAs and Owners (April 2023) - NY State Housing Mobility Pilot Report (Enterprise, PRRAC, Mobility Works, October 2022)
- Planning for Opportunity: How Planners Can Expand Access to Affordable Opportunity Bargain Areas (Jan-Sept 2022 P&R Issue)
- Post-Move Supports Can Increase the Likelihood of Long-Term Benefits from Housing Mobility Programs (Oct – Dec 2022 P&R Issue)
- How to Seek Higher Payment Standards (July 2022)
- Housing Mobility Programs in the U.S. 2022 (December 2022)
- Rent Reasonableness Recommendations Memo to HUD (NHLP & PRRAC, April 2022)
- Suggestions for Implementing New Housing Mobility Funding in the 2022 Congressional Appropriations Act Memo (CBPP & PRRAC, April 2022)
- Genuine Engagement with Housing Choice Voucher Families (Mobility Works & PRRAC, July 2021)
- State and Local Laws Prohibiting Source of Income Discrimination (UPDATED)
- Housing Choice Voucher Reform: A Primer for 2021 and Beyond (Philip Tegeler, August 2020)
- Housing Mobility Programs in the U.S. 2022 (PRRAC – Mobility Works, Dec 2022)
- Recruiting Opportunity Landlords: Lessons from Landlords in Maryland (Jennifer E. Cossyleon, Philip ME Garboden, & Stefanie DeLuca, June 2020)
- Crafting a Strong and Effective Source of Income Discrimination Law (PRRAC, March 2020)
- Where Families With Children Use Housing Vouchers: A Comparative Look at the 50 Largest Metropolitan Areas (Alicia Mazzara, CBPP and Brian Knudsen, PRRAC, January 2019)
- Developing Opportunity: Innovative Models for Strategic Housing Acquisition (Peter Kye, Michael Mouton and Megan Haberle, October 2018)
- Expanding Choice: Practical Strategies for Building A Housing Mobility Program (Urban Institute and PRRAC, 2013)
- Appendix A: Guidance on requesting a regulatory waiver
- Appendix B: State, Local and Federal Laws Barring Source-of-Income Discrimination (UPDATED)
- Appendix C: Data sources and measures
- Appendix D: Sample landlord outreach materials
- Appendix E: Sample family recruitment materials
- Appendix F: Sample assessment form
- Appendix G: Sample enrollment agreement
- Appendix H: Sample budget
- Appendix I: Annotated Bibliography of Housing Mobility Research
- New Homes, New Neighborhoods, New Schools: A Progress Report on the Baltimore Mobility Initiative (BRHP and PRRAC, 2009)
- Leveraging the Power of Place: Using Pay for Success to Support Housing Mobility, by Dan Rinzler, Low Income Investment Fund; Philip Tegeler, Poverty & Race Research Action Council; Mary Cunningham, Urban Institute; and Craig Pollack, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (San Francisco Federal Reserve, July 2015)
- Constraining Choice: The Role of Online Apartment Listing Services in the Housing Choice Voucher Program (PRRAC policy report, July 2015)
Recent Developments
Housing Mobility Demonstration (July 2020)
On July 15, 2020, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the availability of $50 million for public housing agencies (PHAs) to develop programs to help low-income families with housing vouchers access low-poverty, high-opportunity areas.
The demonstration funds, appropriated through the 2019 and 2020 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Acts, will be accompanied by research grants to study best practices in housing mobility programs.
Field Highlights and Stories
- Genuine Engagement with Housing Choice Voucher Families (Mobility Works & PRRAC, July 2021)
- StoryCorps: Inclusive Communities Project (ICP-Dallas, December 2018)
- Field Highlight: Housing Mobility in Richmond with HOME of Virginia, Inc (PRRAC, November 2018)
- Leaving Baltimore behind: Greater Baltimore is starkly segregated by race and class. A housing program is trying to change that (Vox, November 2018)
Small Area Fair Market Rule
- PRRAC-NHLP February 2024 webinar on the new Small Area FMRs:
- Recording of the Webinar (PW: ?1x.A1^#)
- PowerPoint Presentation
- NHLP/PRRAC one-pagers on SAFMR mandatory and voluntary implementation.
- Recent Articles on Small Area Fair Market Rents Implementation (updated 2024)
- NHLP & PRRAC Advocates Guide to Voluntary SAFMR 2024
- NHLP & PRRAC Advocates Guide to Mandatory SAFMR 2024
- Mandatory SAFMR regions, 2024
- Recent Academic Articles on Small Area Fair Market Rents (last updated June 18, 2020)
- NHLP/PRRAC Small Area FMR fact sheet for advocates in mandatory SAFMR metro areas
- NHLP/PRRAC Small Area FMR fact sheet for advocates in voluntary SAFMR metro areas
- CBPP/PRRAC Guide to Small Area FMRs
- Federal Court Order Reinstating Small Area FMRs (December 2017)
- HUD letter suspending mandatory Small Area FMR implementation (August 2017)
The “Mobility Works” Initiative
In 2016, PRRAC launched a new technical assistance project, “Mobility Works,” a foundation-supported consortium of housing mobility practitioners, researchers, and policy experts that will assist housing agencies and non-profits seeking to develop comprehensive regional housing mobility programs. The Mobility Works team includes PRRAC, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and staff from three leading housing mobility practitioners – the Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership, Housing Choice Partners (Chicago), and the Inclusive Communities Project (Dallas). We provide free technical assistance in selected jurisdictions, to help set the foundation for successful housing mobility programs, and we are also available to contract for technical assistance to PHAs and state or local government agencies. Services may include the development of regional opportunity maps, analysis of PHA policies and practices in the context of HUD requirements, model briefing and counseling materials and staff training, and standards and procedures for landlord outreach, community tours, and one-on-one counseling assistance to clients. If appropriate, we may also assist PHAs or non-profits in applying for HUD funds or other state and local funding to support the development of new mobility programs. The name “Mobility Works” comes from Betsy Julian’s 2015 Poverty & Race article calling for a federally funded housing mobility technical assistance initiative modeled on the Congressional chartered NeighborWorks community development program. We are grateful to the Kresge Foundation and the Annie E. Casey Foundation for generous grants that helped us launch this project.” See also: www.housingmobility.org. In 2021, the Mobility Works Project was incorporated as an independent 501(c)(3).
Mobility Works Technical Assistance Overview
Section 8 Voucher Reform
- PRRAC comments on proposed Direct Rental Assistance demonstration (August 2024)
- Comments on proposed rule “Reducing Barriers to HUD-Assisted Housing” (June 2024)
- Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee re flexibility in the use of voucher funds, and support for housing mobility programs (June, 2024)
- NHLP, PRRAC Letter Regarding SAFMR and MTW (February 5, 2024)
- Letter re HUD guidance on Source of Income Discrimination (October 3, 2023)
- PRRAC comments on proposed methodology for calculation of Fair Market Rents (July 2023)
- Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee urging members to support flexibility in the use of Section 8 voucher funds (7/13/23)
- PRRAC comments on adverse tenant screening practices affecting families with vouchers (May 2023)
- Letter Urging SEMAP and SAFMR Expansion (May, 2023)
- Rescreening and Portability letter 5-1-23
- PRRAC recommendations on SEMAP reform January 2023
- Section 8 Voucher Funding Sign-on (June 2022)
- Flexibility in the use of Housing Choice Voucher funds to increase utilization of vouchers and expand access to opportunity (June 2022)
- Rent Reasonableness Recommendations Memo to HUD (NHLP & PRRAC, April 2022)
- Suggestions for Implementing New Housing Mobility Funding in the 2022 Congressional Appropriations Act Memo (CBPP & PRRAC, April 2022)
- Concerning Enhanced Vouchers and Fair Housing (PRRAC et al, April 2022)
- Mobility Works Praises Inclusion of $25 Million for Housing Mobility Services in Bipartisan FY 2022 Omnibus Spending Bill
- Supporting Biden Administration’s Funding Level Requests for the Housing Choice Voucher Program (PRRAC et al, August 2021)
- Appropriations FY-22 Sign-On Letter: Supporting Biden Administration’s Funding Level Requests for the Housing Choice Voucher Program (PRRAC et al, August 2021)
- Appropriations FY-22 Sign-On Letter: Supporting Biden Administration’s Funding Level Requests for the Housing Choice Voucher Program (PRRAC et al, August 2021)
- Housing Choice Voucher Reform and the President’s Budget Memo to HUD (February 2021)
- Fair Housing Comments on HOTMA Proposed Regs Payment Standards (January 2020)
- Fair Housing Comments on HOTMA Proposed Regs Payment Standards (January 2021)
- HOTMA Proposed Regs Payment Standards (PRRAC et al, January 2020)
- Federal Court Order Reinstating Small Area FMRs (December 2017)
- American Bar Association Resolution 119A (urging federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to enact legislation prohibiting discrimination in housing on the basis of lawful source of income) (adopted by ABA Housing of Delegates August 14-15, 2017)
- HUD letter suspending mandatory Small Area FMR implementation (August 2017)
- Inclusive Communities Project, Inc. v. The State of Texas (February 2017)
- On Proposed Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Fee Rule (PRRAC & CBPP, October 2016)
- Comments of the Inclusive Communities Project on the Small Area FMR proposal (August 2016)
- ESOP comments on proposed Small Area Fair Market Rent rule (August 2016)
- Proposed Small Area Fair Market Rent Rule (PRRAC et al, August 2016)
- Coalition comments on proposed Small Area Fair Market Rent rule (August 2016)
- On Inadequate Payment Standards in Yonkers Housing Mobility Program (PRRAC, April 2016)
- To House Subcommittee Supporting Housing Mobility Demonstration in the President’s 2017 Budget (PRRAC et al, April 2016)
- To Senate Subcommittee Supporting Housing Mobility Demonstration in the President’s 2017 Budget (April 2016)
- Policy Brief: The Need for a National Housing Mobility Infrastructure (March 2016)
- Testimony of Professor Stefanie DeLuca in support of MD HOME Act (February 2016)
- A new housing mobility program in New Jersey
- CBPP/PRRAC comments on Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Fee reform (August 2015)
- Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Fee Reform (PRRAC & CBPP, August 2015)
- Comments on Small Area FMR expansion proposal (July 2015)
- On Small Area FMR Expansion Proposal (PRRAC et al, July 2015)
- Section 8 Renewal Funding Formula (PRRAC et al, June 2015)
- Comments on proposed PHA streamlining regulations restricting Section 8 lease dates (March 2015)
- Proposed PHA Streamlining Regulations Restricting Section 8 Lease Dates (PRRAC et al, March 2015)
- PHA Consortia rule (PRRAC et al, September 2014)
- Inclusive Communities Project v. HUD (Dallas Section 8 FMR litigation, part two) (complaint filed April 2014)
- Coalition letter on second term rulemaking priorities (February 2013)
- Second-Term Rulemaking Priorities (PRRAC et al, February 2013)
- Comments on proposed HUD rule streamlining Section 8 portability (May 2012)
- Proposed HUD Rule Streamlining Section 8 Portability (PRRAC et al, May 2012)
- Coalition letter on racial impacts of 2012 housing bill (January 2012)
- Racial Impacts of 2012 Housing Bill (PRRAC et al, January 2012)
- Housing coalition letter on delayed HUD regulations (September 2011)
- Delayed HUD regulations (PRRAC et al, September 2011)
- Fair Housing in Federal Programs (March 2001)
Recent Policy Research
- Eric Chyn Robert Collinson Danielle H. Sandler, “The Long-Run Effects of America’s Largest Residential Racial Desegregation Program: Gautreaux” (NBER Working Paper 33427, January 2025)
- Neighborhoods Matter: Assessing the Evidence for Place Effects, Journal of Economic Perspectives (2021)
- Taking Neighborhood Mobility to Scale through the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Urban Institute, October 2020)
- As HUD Prepares a New Demonstration, What Do We Know about Housing Mobility and Kids’ Outcomes? (Urban Institute, August 2020)
- Matthew Palm, “Scale in Housing Policy: A Case Study of the Potential of Small Area Fair Market Rents,” Cityscape (2018)
- Housing Counseling Works (HUD, September 2017)
- ICP’s Apartment Survey Results Shows a Perpetuation of Residential Segregation as Entire Dallas Area Cities are Off-Limits to Housing Choice Voucher Holders (July 2017)
- Walking Away From The Wire Housing Mobility and Neighborhood Opportunity in Baltimore (Housing Policy Debate, March 2017)
- Stuck in Place? Maybe not. A report on the Chicago Regional Housing Choice Initiative (Housing Choice Partners, 2017)
- Expanding Access to Housing Choice in Minneapolis (Quadel, February 2017)
- Alex Schwartz, Kirk McClure, Lydia B. Taghavi, “Vouchers and Neighborhood Distress: The Unrealized Potential for Families With Housing Choice Vouchers To Reside in Neighborhoods With Low Levels of Distress,” 18 Cityscape n. 3 (2016)
- Expanding Access to Housing Choice in Minneapolis (Quadel, February 2017)
- Encouraging Residential Moves to Opportunity Neighborhoods: An Experiment Testing Incentives Offered to Housing Voucher Recipients (HUD Office of Policy Development and Research, 2017)
- Housing Voucher Mobility in Lorain County, OH (The Housing Center, January 2017)
- Alex Schwartz , Kirk McClure, Lydia B. Taghavi, “Vouchers and Neighborhood Distress: The Unrealized Potential for Families With Housing Choice Vouchers To Reside in Neighborhoods With Low Levels of Distress” (Cityscape, December 2016)
- Elizabeth Julian, Mobility Works America (Poverty & Race, April-June 2016)
- Erin Graves, “Rooms for Improvement: A Qualitative Metasynthesis of the Housing Choice Voucher Program,” 26 Housing Policy Debate 346 (May 2016)
- Patterson, Kelly L.; Silverman, Robert Mark; Yin, Li; and Wu, Laiyun “Neighborhoods of Opportunity: Developing an Operational Definition for Planning and Policy Implementation,” Journal of Public Management & Social Policy (March 2016)
- Materials from HUD sponsored meeting on expanding housing mobility programs (January 2016)
- Lenore Healy & Michael Lepley, Housing Voucher Mobility in Cuyahoga County (study of Housing Choice Voucher concentration in the Cleveland metropolitan area, Housing Research & Advocacy Center, February 2016)
- NEJM article on improvements in diabetes and obesity for women and girls in MTO demonstration
- MTO final evaluation summary of evidence on mental health improvements for women and girls
- Chetty, R., Hendren, N., & Katz, L.F. (2015). The Effects of Exposure to Better Neighborhoods on Children: New Evidence from the Moving to Opportunity Experiment. Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Peter Rosenblatt and Jennifer Cossyleon, “Take a Chance on Me”: A Review of the Milwaukee County HOME Security Deposit Assistance Program (January 2015)
- Kirk McClure, Housing Choice Voucher Marketing Opportunity Index: Analysis of Data at the Tract and Block Group Level (HUD PD&R, February 2011)
- Other Housing Mobility Resources 2004-2014
Housing Mobility Conferences 1994-2025
The 10th National Conference on Housing Mobility:
October 17, 2025 in Chicago, IL, with an opening reception on October 16.
Save the date flyer is here.
The 9th National Conference on Housing Mobility: September 20, 2023, Washington, DC was hosted by PRRAC, Mobility Works, CLPHA and NAHRO, and featured a keynote address by Professor Raj Chetty and a progress report on the Community Choice Demonstration. See the conference page for details.
The 8th National Conference on Housing Mobility: On November 4, 2021, MobilIty Works, the Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC), and the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) hosted the 8th National Conference on Housing Mobility – #HousingMobility2021.
The 7th National Conference on Housing Mobility: October 16-17, 2018, Washington, DC. PRRAC, MobilityWorks, and the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) hosted the 7th National Housing Mobility Conference. People from across the country, including public housing authority officials, researchers, and nonprofit leaders gathered to better understand how to further housing mobility and find new ways to collaborate on mobility efforts. The conference specifically recognized the pivotal moment in which we live; the housing mobility “movement” is growing and wielding greater influence: Some recent successes and notable occurrences, include bipartisan congressional support for the housing mobility demonstration bill, the growth of the MobilityWorks technical assistance group, and the release of the Opportunity Atlas from Raj Chetty and colleagues, further demonstrating the economic mobility potential of housing mobility.
The 6th National Conference on Housing Mobility – “More Choices for More Families:” July 15-16 2015, Chicago, IL. Sponsored by PRRAC, the Center on Budget & Policy Priorities, and the Metropolitan Planning Council.
- Mobility Conference Program Booklet and Agenda
- Annotated Conference Agenda (including PowerPoints and research reports
- Housing Mobility Programs in the U.S. (2015)
After Thompson: Implications for the Wellbeing of Children February 6-7, 2014
- Annotated Agenda
- After Thompson: Getting Kids Out of Harm’s Way— Implications for the Well-Being of Children (briefing paper, February 2014)
Proceedings from the 5th National Conference on Assisted Housing Mobility, June 11 and 12, 2012, Washington, DC. Co-sponsored by PRRAC and the Urban Institute
- Conference Agenda
- Annotated Conference Agenda (including PowerPoints and research reports)
- Keynote address by HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan
- Annotated Bibliography of Housing Mobility Research, 2010-2012
Proceedings from the 4th National Conference on Assisted Housing Mobility
- Annotated Agenda (including PowerPoints and research reports)
- Annotated Bibliography of Housing Mobility Research 2006-2010
Proceedings from the 3rd National Conference on Assisted Housing Mobility
- Agenda: 3rd National Conference on Assisted Housing Mobility
- Keeping the Promise: Preserving and Enhancing Housing Mobility in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program: Final Report of the Third National Conference on Housing Mobility (Philip Tegeler, Mary Cunningham, Margery Austin Turner, Eds) (December 2005)
- Appendix A. State-funded Housing Voucher Programs
- Appendix B. State, Local, and Federal Laws Prohibiting Source-of-Income Discrimination
- Appendix C. Third National Conference on Housing Mobility Participant Contact List
- Appendix D. Annotated Bibliography of Housing Mobility Resources, 1997 – 2004
- Appendix D Supplement. Annotated Bibliography of Housing Mobility Resources, 2004 – 2006
Proceedings from the 2nd National Conference on Assisted Housing Mobility
Proceedings from the 1st National Conference on Assisted Housing Mobility
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