PRRAC Policy Brief (December 2020). By Megan Haberle, Peter Kye, and Brian Knudsen. Excerpt: "This memorandum provides our recommendations for both restoration of the AFFH rule and potential improvements. It draws from PRRAC’s advocacy work around the 2015 rule’s formulation, for which we are indebted to our partnerships and consultation with many other fair housing and … [Read more...] about Reviving and Improving HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Regulation: A Practice-Based Roadmap (Megan Haberle, Peter Kye, and Brian Knudsen, December 2020)
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Expanding Tenant Rights: Advocating for Voucher Reform with your Local Housing Authority (PRRAC, December 2020)
Barriers to Families in Housing Voucher Programs There are a number of structural issues with the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program that harm all participants but may be especially affecting families with children: Insufficient supply of vouchers Rent caps that keep families out of higher opportunity neighborhoods Use-it-or-lose-it pressures to find … [Read more...] about Expanding Tenant Rights: Advocating for Voucher Reform with your Local Housing Authority (PRRAC, December 2020)
The Legacy of Buffalo’s Landmark Housing Desegregation Case, Comer v. Kemp (Scott W. Gehl, November 2020)
A PRRAC Publication (November 2020). By Scott W. Gehl. Excerpt: "In Buffalo, New York in a 1989 class-action suit, Comer v. Kemp, would eventually change the face of government-assisted housing and patterns of racial segregation which dated back to the first years of the twentieth century." Read the Publication... … [Read more...] about The Legacy of Buffalo’s Landmark Housing Desegregation Case, Comer v. Kemp (Scott W. Gehl, November 2020)
“Under One Roof: Building an Abolitionist Approach to Housing Justice” by Sophie House and Krystle Okafor (Sept/Oct 2020 P&R Issue)
By Sophie House and Krystle Okafor (Click here to view the entire PDF) I. Introduction This essay invites housing scholars and policymakers to consider how we can learn from the ongoing project of abolition. Abolition here refers to the body of scholarship and advocacy--beginning with the abolition of slavery and extending through contemporary movements for the abolition … [Read more...] about “Under One Roof: Building an Abolitionist Approach to Housing Justice” by Sophie House and Krystle Okafor (Sept/Oct 2020 P&R Issue)
“From Grenfell to Granby: Challenging Spatial Injustice through Collective Alternatives to Public Housing” by Matthew Thompson (Sept/Oct 2020 P&R Issue)
By Matthew Thompson (Click here to view the entire PDF) In June 2017, a catastrophic fire in London’s Grenfell Tower killed 72 of its inhabitants and made many more homeless. This 24-storey tower block, like many managed by borough councils across the capital, was home to the largely black and brown urban working class, people on low wages often servicing the lifestyles of … [Read more...] about “From Grenfell to Granby: Challenging Spatial Injustice through Collective Alternatives to Public Housing” by Matthew Thompson (Sept/Oct 2020 P&R Issue)