Video: Pasadena Schools Initiative (National Association of Realtors©, May 2021) Video: Webinar - The Importance of Diverse Schools for America's Children (PRRAC & NAR, 2020) Presentation: How and Why to Promote School Diversity (PRRAC & NAR, June 2020) Related: Guidance for Real Estate Agents: How (and Why) to Promote School Diversity … [Read more...] about How Real Estate Agents Can (and Should) Promote Diverse Schools (a project in collaboration with the National Association of Realtors©, May 2021)
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Racial Justice in Housing Finance: A Series on New Directions (PRRAC, May 2021)
A PRRAC Series. Edited by Megan Haberle (former Deputy Director, PRRAC) and Sophia House (Deputy Director for Policy, Housing Solutions Lab, NYU Furman Center). Excerpt: "In many ways, these essays expose the enormity of the project of housing finance reform. Housing finance is underpinned by assessments of risk and value that have not escaped their racist origins, and many … [Read more...] about Racial Justice in Housing Finance: A Series on New Directions (PRRAC, May 2021)
What Can HUD Do to Expand Public and Community Ownership of Rental Housing? (PRRAC, April 2021)
A PRRAC Policy Brief (April 2021). Excerpt: "The movement to shift more of our housing resources out of the private for-profit market and into the social housing sector has gained momentum in recent years, with growing housing insecurity, unsustainable rent burdens, expanding homelessness, and gentrification pressures in many American cities. The benefits of expanding the … [Read more...] about What Can HUD Do to Expand Public and Community Ownership of Rental Housing? (PRRAC, April 2021)
“Land Values and the Enduring Significance of Racial Residential Segregation” by Henry Louis Taylor, Jr. (Jan-Apr 2021 P&R Issue)
By Henry Louis Taylor, Jr. (click here for the PDF) I. Introduction The life chances of many African Americans are tied to their experiences in underdeveloped central city neighborhoods. The implication of living in these Black spaces was suggested in a provocative question posed by the historian Carol Anderson in her book, Eyes on the Prize, which I paraphrase, “How could … [Read more...] about “Land Values and the Enduring Significance of Racial Residential Segregation” by Henry Louis Taylor, Jr. (Jan-Apr 2021 P&R Issue)
“Gentrification, Demographic Change, and the Challenges of Integration” by Kfir Mordechay (Jan-Apr 2021 P&R Issue)
By Kfir Mordechay (click here for the PDF) Since the Supreme Court ordered the desegregation of American schools in 1954, the legacy of Brown v. Board of Education has yielded both progress and disappointment. The unanimous ruling not only started the process of eliminating de jure racial segregation in education, but also set the precedent for removing the same barriers to … [Read more...] about “Gentrification, Demographic Change, and the Challenges of Integration” by Kfir Mordechay (Jan-Apr 2021 P&R Issue)