A PRRAC Report (January 2015). By Peter Rosenblatt and Jennifer Cossyleon, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Loyola University Chicago, & Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council. Excerpt: "This report examines an innovative program in Milwaukee County that can help address these disparities and assist the HCVP in expanding its potential to help families and … [Read more...] about Take a Chance on Me: A Review of the Milwaukee County HOME Security Deposit Assistance Program (Peter Rosenblatt & Jennifer Cossyleon, January 2015)
Is the HOME Program Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing? (Ebony Gayles & Silva Mathema, September 2014)
A PRRAC Report (September 2014). By Ebony Gayles & Silva Mathema. Excerpt: "Housing segregation is driven by a complex mix of public and private policies and actions. As PRRAC’s work has shown, government administration of assisted housing programs is just one of the factors that contribute to metropolitan segregation. The federal HOME program is a relatively small … [Read more...] about Is the HOME Program Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing? (Ebony Gayles & Silva Mathema, September 2014)
The ‘Compelling Government Interest’ in School Diversity: Rebuilding the Case for an Affirmative Government Role (Philip Tegeler, July 2014)
By Philip Tegeler (University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, July 2014) Excerpt: "The strong endorsement of the 'compelling government interest' in school integration by five members of the Supreme Court in Parents Involved in Community Schools stands in surprising contrast to the Obama Administration’s tepid support for affirmative measures to expand school diversity … [Read more...] about The ‘Compelling Government Interest’ in School Diversity: Rebuilding the Case for an Affirmative Government Role (Philip Tegeler, July 2014)
The ‘Compelling Government Interest’ In School Diversity: Rebuilding The Case For An Affirmative Government Role (Philip Tegeler, June 2014)
By Philip Tegeler (University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, June 2014). Excerpt: "The Department of Education already has the policy levers it needs to engage more forcefully with states and local districts to promote school diversity and reduce racial and economic isolation in public schools. The Department can exercise its unused Title VI authority to require states … [Read more...] about The ‘Compelling Government Interest’ In School Diversity: Rebuilding The Case For An Affirmative Government Role (Philip Tegeler, June 2014)
America’s Growing Inequality: The Impact of Poverty and Race (Edited by Chester Hartman, March 2014)
Edited by Chester W. Hartman, foreword by Rep. Luis Gutierrez. The book is a compilation of the best and still-most-relevant articles published in Poverty & Race, the bimonthly of The Poverty & Race Research Action Council from 2006 to the present. Authors are some of the leading figures in a range of activities around these themes. It is the fourth such book PRRAC … [Read more...] about America’s Growing Inequality: The Impact of Poverty and Race (Edited by Chester Hartman, March 2014)