By Philip Tegeler and Diane Glauber (Lawyers' Committee Civil Rights Under the Law). Published in Community Development INVESTMENT REVIEW (February 2014). Excerpt: "Since its passage, HUD has implemented the AFFH provision with varying levels of enthusiasm, depending on the Administration in power. But it has consistently recognized the obligation in the law and its … [Read more...] about Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in REO-to-Rental Programs (Philip Tegeler & Diane Glauber, February 2014)
Expanding Choice: Practical Strategies for Building a Successful Housing Mobility Program (Urban Institute-PRRAC, May 2013)
An Urban Institute-PRRAC Policy Report (May 2013). Excerpt: "The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, administered by public housing agencies (PHAs) across the country, provides low-income households the ability to affordably rent decent housing practically anywhere in the United States. And yet, they don’t. Studies … [Read more...] about Expanding Choice: Practical Strategies for Building a Successful Housing Mobility Program (Urban Institute-PRRAC, May 2013)
An Early Assessment of Off-Site Replacement Housing, Relocation Planning and Housing Mobility Counseling in HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (Martha Galvez, March 2013)
A PRRAC Program Review (March 2013). By Martha Galvez. Excerpt: "The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) provides funds for public housing authorities and other local entities to redevelop distressed public or assisted housing in some of the nation’s poorest neighborhoods. This brief examines one aspect of CNI: HUD and … [Read more...] about An Early Assessment of Off-Site Replacement Housing, Relocation Planning and Housing Mobility Counseling in HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (Martha Galvez, March 2013)
Increasing Housing Choices: How Can the MTW Program Evolve to Achieve its Statutory Mandate? (Sarah Oppenheimer & PRRAC, March 2013)
A PRRAC Program Review (March 2013). By Sarah Oppenheimer, Megan Haberle, and Philip Tegeler, with research support from Kayla Kitson. Excerpt: "One of the three statutory goals of the HUD Moving to Work (MTW) demonstration is to “increase housing choices for low-income families.” The MTW program allows HUD to waive provisions of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 and various HUD … [Read more...] about Increasing Housing Choices: How Can the MTW Program Evolve to Achieve its Statutory Mandate? (Sarah Oppenheimer & PRRAC, March 2013)
Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing at HUD: A First Term Report Card, Part II (Lawyers’ Committee, National Fair Housing Alliance & PRRAC, March 2013)
A Lawyers' Committee, National Fair Housing Alliance & PRRAC Program Review (March 2013). Excerpt: "The Fair Housing Act (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, hereinafter 'the Act') prohibits discrimination in a wide range of housing-related transactions, and it also includes an affirmative obligation on the part of HUD and its grantees to 'Affirmatively Further … [Read more...] about Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing at HUD: A First Term Report Card, Part II (Lawyers’ Committee, National Fair Housing Alliance & PRRAC, March 2013)