A PRRAC Policy Report. Excerpt: "Voucher participants should have a right to organize, just as HUD has provided in the public housing and project-based rental assistance housing programs. HUD should promulgate tenant organizing regulations for the HCV program that allow for the greatest flexibility and have the lowest barriers to organizing. Additionally, HUD should fund … [Read more...] about Expanding Federal Support for Tenant Organizing in Federally Assisted Housing and the Housing Choice Voucher Program (February 2022)
How States Can Affirmatively Further Fair Housing: Key Leverage Points and Best Practices (PRRAC, January 2022)
A PRRAC Report: This report was prepared by Mary Anne Sullivan, Derek Centola, and Lara Hakki of Hogan Lovells LLP, along with Peter Kye and Philip Tegeler at PRRAC. We are grateful to Peter Haberlandt, Mike Rawson, Adam Gordon, Noemie Sportiche, and Judith Liben for their review of specific sections of the report, and special thanks to Megan Haberle for her helpful comments … [Read more...] about How States Can Affirmatively Further Fair Housing: Key Leverage Points and Best Practices (PRRAC, January 2022)
Using Fair Housing Planning as a Tool to Address Schooling Inequities (Kara S. Finnigan, Elizabeth DeBray, Andrew J. Greenlee, Megan Haberle, & Heidi Kurniawan, September 2021)
By Kara S. Finnigan, Elizabeth DeBray, Andrew J. Greenlee, Megan Haberle, & Heidi Kurniawan (Education Law & Policy Review, Volume 6). Excerpt: "Even in the limited number of cases where educational entities were included in the fair housing planning process, the housing-education nexus remains largely absent from proposed policy interventions to further regional … [Read more...] about Using Fair Housing Planning as a Tool to Address Schooling Inequities (Kara S. Finnigan, Elizabeth DeBray, Andrew J. Greenlee, Megan Haberle, & Heidi Kurniawan, September 2021)
Working with PHAs to Adopt Policies that Affirmatively Further Fair Housing: An Advocacy Guide and Toolkit for Local Advocates (PRRAC & NHLP, July 2021)
A PRRAC & NHLP Publication. Excerpt: "The definition of “affirmatively furthering fair housing” under California state law mirrors the 2015 federal regulation’s language. Note that the AFFH obligation in California is broader than the federal mandate in that the state obligation does not require the receipt of any type of state funding to apply. It is also worth noting … [Read more...] about Working with PHAs to Adopt Policies that Affirmatively Further Fair Housing: An Advocacy Guide and Toolkit for Local Advocates (PRRAC & NHLP, July 2021)
Public Housing Authorities and the New California AFFH Law: How to Spot Key Fair Housing Issues and Set Goals (PRRAC & NHLP, July 2021)
A PRRAC & NHLP Publication. Excerpt: "The following sections of this manual address a series of commonly-encountered fair housing issues of concern to PHAs, as well as fair housing considerations in new and expanding programs. By taking up the challenge of the California AFFH law, PHAs can become fair housing leaders in their communities, proactively engage with their … [Read more...] about Public Housing Authorities and the New California AFFH Law: How to Spot Key Fair Housing Issues and Set Goals (PRRAC & NHLP, July 2021)