Most of PRRAC’s advocacy is at the federal and state executive branch level – working to implement civil rights mandates in housing, education, and environmental justice. We have also been occasionally involved in litigation, as amici curiae in a number of key Supreme Court and appellate cases (see here), sometimes convening or working with expert witnesses, and on one occasion participating as a plaintiff (as part of the coalition that brought a challenge to Maryland’s Low Income Housing Tax Credit program). During the first Trump Administration, in response to the unlawful suspension of important civil rights rules that PRRAC worked so hard to secure during the Obama administration, we joined as co-counsel in two direct litigation challenges to HUD’s authority, Open Communities Alliance et al v. Carson and National Fair Housing Alliance et al v. Carson (see below).
Source of Income Discrimination
HUD Fair Housing Complaints
Supreme Court challenge to availability of Disparate Impact liability under the Fair Housing Act (2015)
Challenges to Trump Administration Regulatory Rollbacks
Challenges to suspension of the AFFH rule
Challenges to suspension of the Small Area Fair Market Rent Rule
Challenges to suspension of the Disparate Effects rule
Open Communities Alliance v HUD (2020)
National Coalition on School Diversity Briefs
Coalition for T.J. v. Fairfax County School Board (May 2022)
Other PRRAC in the Courts Documents
SPLC Urges Supreme Court to Preserve Workplace Protections for LGBTQ People (July 2019)
Trump Comes for Baltimore, Baltimore Claps Back: raceAhead (Fortune) (July 2019)
“Duroville” U.S. vs. Duro Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Order of Remedy (April 2009)