Does a constitutional crisis start when the President defies an explicit court order? Or when he signs an executive order to eliminate the Department of Education (which can’t be eliminated by executive order)? Or when he directs the Education Secretary to dismantle the Department without technically “eliminating” it? Or all of the above?
PRRAC at the Just Economy conference: We are looking forward to next week’s Just Economy Conference, hosted by NCRC – Dave Pringle and Audrey Lynn Martin from PRRAC are participating in a panel on social housing and LIHTC, “Reclaiming the Low Income Housing Tax Credit: Transforming state plans for inclusive communities through social housing.” Stop by and say hello!
Save the date: PRRAC and Mobility Works are hosting the 10th National Housing Mobility Conference in Chicago on Friday, October 17, with additional training and community-building activities scheduled on Wednesday and Thursday. Registration information coming soon…
Other news and resources
Where Households Using Federal Rental Assistance Live: This comprehensive new report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (with accompanying tables and maps) updates a 2019 CBPP-PRRAC report on housing voucher concentration in the 50 largest metro areas, this time expanded to include not only tenant based vouchers but also public housing, project-based vouchers and project-based rental assistance, in the 100 largest metro areas. Tenant-based vouchers, not surprisingly, are the most likely form of federal assistance to be located in low poverty areas, but the new report continues to find a significant mismatch between the availability of affordable rental housing in low poverty neighborhoods and the ability of families to access those units. In the absence of a meaningful AFFH rule, we hope this report will spur action at the state and local level, where state and locally administered federal housing programs are significantly more segregated than the market would indicate. (PRRAC will also be releasing a policy brief in a few weeks, based on the CBPP report, comparing poverty concentration in the tenant-based vs project-based voucher programs).
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